We’d like to express gratitude to the Certpointeers. A unique market segment which involve workforce develop for high school and college students really hit the mark on the successful design, development, and launch of our company website. I believe the mentoring part of the platform was also of great benefit in getting our envisioned product off the ground.
What Is CertificationPoint?
An online college(or trade school) project-based learning and career development marketplace for students and individuals looking for a career change. CertificationPoint allows clients(service buyers) to award students project-based learning opportunities. Online collaborative tools allow for onsite and/or remote team project management. Businesses(Service Buyers) and students create online profiles and portfolios, submit proposals for jobs, and following successful collaboration…receive payment from the Service Buyer via the CertificationPoint platform. CertificationPoint also allows for centralized credential management for both businesses(service buyers) and students along with an innovative student workforce development knowledgebase.